Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Octomom VS China's One-Child-Policy

In humanities class today, we had a discussion about if you agreed with the octomom or the China's one-child-policy. Each of us were given a post-it note and was told to stick it on a timeline-like line as to your thoughts about the octomom and the one-child-policy, and we were also told to write down our reasoning on the sticky note. I placed my post-it note almost at the middle but more towards the octomom. These are my reasons for my thinking:

First of all, I mostly don't agree with the one-child-policy because people should have rights to decide how many babies they want. Also, I don't think would give birth to octuplets or fourteen kids and almost all the people would just give birth to 2-3 babies, so the rule won't be that meaningful anyways. Therefore, I really don't think there's a point in making the rule.

Secondly, I mostly agree with the octomom because you have the right to have as many babies you want, it's just that you should also know that you will have to take responsibility with all of your children. Also, you should think about your future and if it'll be good for all of your children. I think that you should know that if you have like eight children, then you should love each one of them equally. But as I said before, if you know that you can take responsibility for all eight kids, then you have the right to give birth to eight kids or so on.

So, these were my reasonings of my thoughts towards the octomom and the China's one-child-policy.

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