Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Thoughts to Shakespeare's Sonnet

Yesterday in humanities class, we were supposed to write briefly about what our thoughts were about the meaning of Shakespeare’s Sonnet. I thought that the sonnet meant something like there was a woman who was adored by many people, but if she didn’t get a son, then she’s in a big trouble. I had other thoughts like if she didn’t get a son and instead a daughter maybe they would kill the daughter and she would be unhappy for the rest of her life (and that would have been her punishment). I thought that this was really unfair because they can’t always expect a son to be born and always kill the daughters that were born because when daughters grow up and become women, they have to do the housework. That was my thought from yesterday. Today, near to the end of class, we were separated into three groups: the art group, the music group and the acting group. We were supposed to show our understanding towards the poem by either acting it out, playing music or drawing our understanding. Before we started, our group decided to read the sonnet word by word to make sure that everyone at least had an idea of the poem. We tried our best to translate the sonnet as accurately as we could. When I kept on reading it on and on by myself (in my head), I began to understand the poem a little bit better. Now, I think it means something about the sun rising and setting. I think it means the sun rise and the sunset because of the first two sentences of the sonnet. And maybe where it says look away, it means that the people look away from the sun after the sun rises till the highest point. These were my thoughts to the sonnet. I am looking forward to reading other’s thoughts.

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