Thursday, April 23, 2009

China's One-Child-Policy: Fair or Unfair?

Today in humanities class, we started discussing about the China's One-Child-Policy. The title above was my headline for our discussion, since we talked about if the one-child-policy was right or wrong.

I mostly disagree with the one-child-policy because of many reasons. First of all, it's against the human rights. People should have freedom as to how many children they want and have freedom to how they are going to live their life. Commanding to people about how many children they should have is unfair!

Chinese people favor sons more than daughters so couples try legal and illegal means to get a son for their only child. Also when daughters are born, some parents even leave them exposed to die! Poor girls! If this continues to happen, then the gender will have an imbalance! Officials even estimated that by 2020 there will be 30 million men known as ‘bare branches’, which means they wont't have or find a wife to marry. To add on, if there aren't any women to marry in the future, I think maybe the men may attack other countries for women and create a war.

But, even though I mostly disagree with the one-child-policy, I also agree a little bit because if there were too many people (and then the population explosion) then there won't be enough resources for everyone and some people might be even homeless...

I think the one-child-policy is really unfair, but there are also some problems with the resources if there are too many people in China.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I don't want kids to be alone without a sister or a brother.
