Tuesday, May 5, 2009

'The Giver' Fishbowl Discussion

For humanities today, we had to expand on the fishbowl discussion our class had based on the book, 'The Giver.' We had a few good questions to discuss about, which were broken into two groups. One was about stirrings and the other one was about releasing. Here are my thoughts of what a release and a stirring means.

I think stirring is kind of like the beginning of puberty/adolescence. In Jonas's dream, he felt the wanting and need to be with Fiona, which obviously means that he likes her. With adolescence there also comes marriages and babies. I think the community made them take pills for stirrings because they want to keep the community perfect and nothing different, and if people start liking someone, they might not be focused during their work time and etc. Stirring is kind of like growing-up and when you start having crushes on a certain person.

I think releasing is some what related to killing because in the book it says that in the House of Old, they talk about a person's whole life time before they release them so it's like you're life is ending. When I read the book, 'The Giver,' I realized that people actually celebrated the release and was very happy and excited about. So, I think that maybe the community themselves might not know that being released is not a good thing. But, I am still not sure if others kill them or they naturally die.

I am looking forward to reading more of the book and finding more about the stirrings and releasing.

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