Saturday, April 25, 2009

Government Laws or Responsibility?

Yesterday in humanities class, we were given another six paged information to read. The subtitle above was my headline for the discussion. The paper given to read was mainly about a person named Nadya who gave birth to 14 kids! And also about other families with octuplets or sextuplets. We had the fish bowl discussion after, wether it was necessary for the government to give out a law about how many kids maximum to give birth to for some people like Nadya, who was interested in having babies since when she was twleve years old.

I don't think the government should give laws for giving birth because first of all, not all people are like Nadya, giving birth to 14 kids. I mean, people would be smart enough to know when to stop and even if they want to give birth to many kids, then they should know that it will be their responsibility.

Another reason I don't think the government should give laws is because people should have freedom as to how they want to live their life, but I think they should know what the best timing is because for example, Nadya, she doesn't have a job and she lives in a 3 bedroom house with the 14 kids including her previous 6 kids! I really suggest people should think about the right timing. I also think people should think about their future before their decision because even though they might want a lot of kids, it might not be good for the kids since not all of them can get the love needed.

So, these were my reasons as to why the government should give laws and why having 14 kids are not really necessary.

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