Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Octomom VS China's One-Child-Policy

In humanities class today, we had a discussion about if you agreed with the octomom or the China's one-child-policy. Each of us were given a post-it note and was told to stick it on a timeline-like line as to your thoughts about the octomom and the one-child-policy, and we were also told to write down our reasoning on the sticky note. I placed my post-it note almost at the middle but more towards the octomom. These are my reasons for my thinking:

First of all, I mostly don't agree with the one-child-policy because people should have rights to decide how many babies they want. Also, I don't think would give birth to octuplets or fourteen kids and almost all the people would just give birth to 2-3 babies, so the rule won't be that meaningful anyways. Therefore, I really don't think there's a point in making the rule.

Secondly, I mostly agree with the octomom because you have the right to have as many babies you want, it's just that you should also know that you will have to take responsibility with all of your children. Also, you should think about your future and if it'll be good for all of your children. I think that you should know that if you have like eight children, then you should love each one of them equally. But as I said before, if you know that you can take responsibility for all eight kids, then you have the right to give birth to eight kids or so on.

So, these were my reasonings of my thoughts towards the octomom and the China's one-child-policy.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Government Laws or Responsibility?

Yesterday in humanities class, we were given another six paged information to read. The subtitle above was my headline for the discussion. The paper given to read was mainly about a person named Nadya who gave birth to 14 kids! And also about other families with octuplets or sextuplets. We had the fish bowl discussion after, wether it was necessary for the government to give out a law about how many kids maximum to give birth to for some people like Nadya, who was interested in having babies since when she was twleve years old.

I don't think the government should give laws for giving birth because first of all, not all people are like Nadya, giving birth to 14 kids. I mean, people would be smart enough to know when to stop and even if they want to give birth to many kids, then they should know that it will be their responsibility.

Another reason I don't think the government should give laws is because people should have freedom as to how they want to live their life, but I think they should know what the best timing is because for example, Nadya, she doesn't have a job and she lives in a 3 bedroom house with the 14 kids including her previous 6 kids! I really suggest people should think about the right timing. I also think people should think about their future before their decision because even though they might want a lot of kids, it might not be good for the kids since not all of them can get the love needed.

So, these were my reasons as to why the government should give laws and why having 14 kids are not really necessary.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

China's One-Child-Policy: Fair or Unfair?

Today in humanities class, we started discussing about the China's One-Child-Policy. The title above was my headline for our discussion, since we talked about if the one-child-policy was right or wrong.

I mostly disagree with the one-child-policy because of many reasons. First of all, it's against the human rights. People should have freedom as to how many children they want and have freedom to how they are going to live their life. Commanding to people about how many children they should have is unfair!

Chinese people favor sons more than daughters so couples try legal and illegal means to get a son for their only child. Also when daughters are born, some parents even leave them exposed to die! Poor girls! If this continues to happen, then the gender will have an imbalance! Officials even estimated that by 2020 there will be 30 million men known as ‘bare branches’, which means they wont't have or find a wife to marry. To add on, if there aren't any women to marry in the future, I think maybe the men may attack other countries for women and create a war.

But, even though I mostly disagree with the one-child-policy, I also agree a little bit because if there were too many people (and then the population explosion) then there won't be enough resources for everyone and some people might be even homeless...

I think the one-child-policy is really unfair, but there are also some problems with the resources if there are too many people in China.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Thoughts to Shakespeare's Sonnet 7(Revised)

Today in Humanities class, we discussed more and thought deeper about the sonnet. We showed our thinking through performances: by drawing, playing music, and acting it out. All groups showed the sunrise and the sunset. Also, in all groups' performances, it seemed like it showed that the sun had the most power in the noon.

I think that now, I have a better knowledge of the sonnet after listening and seeing what others' inferences are on the sonnet. I still think it is about the sun rising and setting because of the first 2 lines of the sonnet. And then almost at the end where it says about looking another way, I think it means that after the people see the sun rising, then they don't give much attention to the sun and leaves to start their day.
And I think the last two sentences mean that even though people have adored you and really carred about you, if you didn't get a son, you will be pointless and people will not care about you anymore like the sun.

My Thoughts to Shakespeare's Sonnet

Yesterday in humanities class, we were supposed to write briefly about what our thoughts were about the meaning of Shakespeare’s Sonnet. I thought that the sonnet meant something like there was a woman who was adored by many people, but if she didn’t get a son, then she’s in a big trouble. I had other thoughts like if she didn’t get a son and instead a daughter maybe they would kill the daughter and she would be unhappy for the rest of her life (and that would have been her punishment). I thought that this was really unfair because they can’t always expect a son to be born and always kill the daughters that were born because when daughters grow up and become women, they have to do the housework. That was my thought from yesterday. Today, near to the end of class, we were separated into three groups: the art group, the music group and the acting group. We were supposed to show our understanding towards the poem by either acting it out, playing music or drawing our understanding. Before we started, our group decided to read the sonnet word by word to make sure that everyone at least had an idea of the poem. We tried our best to translate the sonnet as accurately as we could. When I kept on reading it on and on by myself (in my head), I began to understand the poem a little bit better. Now, I think it means something about the sun rising and setting. I think it means the sun rise and the sunset because of the first two sentences of the sonnet. And maybe where it says look away, it means that the people look away from the sun after the sun rises till the highest point. These were my thoughts to the sonnet. I am looking forward to reading other’s thoughts.

About Me

Hi! I am Sun Hae Choi and I am 11 years old. Even though my nationality is Korean, I study in another different country called Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. My favorite things to do are draw, read, and practice my clarinet and piano. I take clarinet lessons, piano lessons, and Mandarin lessons. I learn two languages: Mandarin and Spanish. I find both languages fascinating to learn. And I learn two instruments : the clarinet and the piano. I enjoy playing both instruments, but I think I like playing the clarinet a little more. I also really enjoy solving math problems. And I LOVE shopping! Places that I usually shop in are KLCC and Pavilion. I hope you learned more about me!
P.S.: I have a younger sister named Ju Hae Choi and she is in third grade. She also plays the piano and just started learning how to speak Spanish.