Sunday, May 30, 2010

Less Lies, Less Pain

I believe lying to one another is committing a great sin. As the same human beings living in this world, we should cooperate and be honest to each other. But there are also challenging obstacles that we have to overcome. Every human is stuck in a cycle of greed, fear and pain. There are many times when they want to make themselves better than others, for their pride. There are times when someone is in this difficult situation and needs to hide something through a lie. These are only some things that lead to lies and big problems.

My grandmother always warned me that ‘the moment you lie to one person, you are breaking the trust between you and them.’ When I was in 1st grade in Korea, I had one best friend that always looked out for me. But I had to lie to her many times to make her think that I was a close friend of hers. Once she found out about all the lies, she wouldn’t talk to me anymore. That’s when I realized that there are no such things as secrets in this world. When the time comes, secrets will always be revealed. And when someone finds out you had been messing with them, your friendship will be torn apart.

Lying to your family is the last thing that you should do. When your family realizes you have been lying to them, they would feel rather disappointed than getting mad, like others. This is because family is a relationship that is most trusted in our lives. Having a family is a great blessing and with families, you can share thoughts and happiness. This is why families will be most disappointed if they found out that you had broke the trust between them.

One person lying can lead to and involve many other people lying. This causes even bigger trouble. One lie can even lead to more and more lies. Lying is something that is endless for everyone. We lied to each other so many times that it’s become part of our lives…this is not a good thing. If this continues we can trust no one in this universe and our world will be full of lies. We have to stop this together.

Lying is not necessary or needed in our lives. There will be less trouble for you and many others if you just admit the truth then to just hide it. The truth will always be revealed. I hope our world can have less lies and more trust. ‘The moment you lie to one person, you are breaking the trust between you and them.’ This I Believe.

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