Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Favorite Story-What Makes a Good Story?

As I look over our short story unit, my favorite short story was “Thank You, “Ma’m.” Mostly, I like this story because of the author’s message-theme. The theme is how believing in others may change them since they will want to maintain/earn respect. I agree with this theme. I believe that teaching people what is right and wrong requires to be done wisely. Instead of scolding them for what they have done wrong, you could teach them how to be right. This theme of respect and compassion is portrayed in the short story through the protagonist, Mrs. Luella Bates washing Jones. Based on the story, she is a religious woman with confidence and a sweet heart. She shows trust, belief and respect towards a poor boy, Roger. However when they first meet in the exposition, the boy tries to steal Luella’s purse. Therefore the rising action makes the reader have tension when Luella simply picks up the boy and screams at him. You may be curious of her next action. Will she hurt the boy? Why is she dragging him home? However, the author releases the tension through the resolution. Resolution is that she brings Roger home, makes him wash his face and feeds him supper. She even understands his want to buy something and gives him ten dollars to buy himself some blue suede shoes. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones treats the boy Roger with kindness, which wraps up the whole theme of compassion and respect. Through this story, I can realize how sometimes in life, we may face difficulties. At those times we can try to understand each other and help each other to succeed in life.

1 comment:

  1. SunHae, your post is very good. I like how you explain exposition, rising action and resolution. It is very detailed. You have great reasoning and concluding.
    p.s.I like how you put the important words in different color :D
