Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Survival or Death?

The game that I played was basically about the Battle of Hastings. This battle was between Duke William of Normandy and Harold Godwinson of England. In this game, you are allowed to arrange your soldiers however you prefer and can be in both positions. Also, there are multi choices given to you for the game and when you pick one, it will show you what happens in result of your choice of command. A specifically enjoyable thing about the game is that you can choose which command to give and see what happens (you can see which one was a good strategy). The game also gives you a chance to reflect and give your own thoughts and opinions. During this game, I learned about the different strategies that can be used in a war and what time is appropriate to use them. During the Battle of Hastings, everything was very tough and fierce. Harold’s soldiers were at the top of a hill to fight and had a strong shield wall built for protection. This made it very difficult for William’s soldiers to fight against. But soon by an accidental mistake, William came up with a scheme for a trick retreat. Harold kept falling for this and many soldiers were killed. Soon, Harold was killed with an arrow in his eye and a sword in his body. This made William the new king of England. This type of game is very valuable learning because you actually get to experience the war yourself and get to be in the positions of each king. This game was a very valuable experience for me and to help my growth of knowledge. :D

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