Thursday, March 24, 2011

Rabbit Proof Fence- Protagonist Molly

Describe the character of Molly and discuss whether you think she is a hero or not. Give reasons to support your opinion.

Today during humanities class, we watched a movie on “The Rabbit-Proof Fence” about a true story that happened to Molly and her two sisters. Reflecting on the movie, I thought through about Molly’s characterization and whether she is a hero or not. A hero is someone who takes action for something that is necessary and someone who thinks and takes care of others first. In the film, Molly proves as being a hero when she decides to escape from Moore River. On the last night before she leaves, she thinks about everything that had happened so far in the Moore River. Once she has her thoughts together, she decides that the place is bad and that these people have bad influences. Therefore, she makes up her mind to escape and leave the place with her sisters to go back home to her mother. This is heroic because Molly had escaped the place in order to keep her sisters and herself from danger and all the unpleasant things that might happen. Throughout this film, Molly is characterized as a brave girl who likes to take risks and explore. She is also shown as a good tracker as her grandmother tells her so in the beginning of the story. This helps her later on to escape the Moore River trying not to be caught. In his film, Molly takes on a huge responsibility in replacement of her mother to take care of her sisters and make sure they survive to meet their family again.


  1. I noticed you said, "...that happened to Molly and her two sisters," i do not agree with this because she was running away with her cousin and her little sister.

    I read through you paragraph and Molly was described as a brave girl who takes risks and explores also is a good tracker. I agree with this because in the movie she ran away and that a was a big risk she took because she saw what happened to the other girl who ran away and tried to see her boyfriend.

  2. I read your paragraph, and I do agree with you. You have prove that Molly was hero by explaining how Molly reacted to the situations. It is very well written paragraph and I can understand why you choose her heroic.

  3. themselves. Although Molly failed to get Grace to stay with them, resulting in Grace's death, she managed to get home safely with her sister. Based on this story alone, Molly is a hero in my mind.commercial fencing
