Thursday, February 4, 2010

Holocaust Questions

1. Go to the website Go to the section that says education and click on for students. Then, click on antisemitism and analyze the picture. Why do you think there are TWO crows? What does the picture show you when you look at the faces of the Jews? What do you feel?

2. Read the second paragraph and place yourself in the position of the Jews. How do you feel and how do you think they felt when this terrible thing happened?

3. Go back to the home page. Click on
Jewish life in Europe before the Holocaust. Read the third paragraph and give three good reasons why so many Jews lived in Germany.

4. Go back to the homepage. Click on
Nazi rise to power and click on the election article. If you were Hitler, how would you be feeling right now and what would you be planning and going around in your mind?

5. How do you feel when looking at this article? Explain in detail.

6. Go back to the home page and click on t
he first concentration camps. What do you think is happening in the photo? Why do you think only one guy is wearing a white suit?

7. Reading the first six paragraphs of the writing, how do you think the Jews felt towards the Nazis when this happened? Do you think anybody tried to help?

8. Click on
death marches and read the first paragraph. If you were back in that time and you knew the Jews were going to be killed, do you think you would follow the Nazis or support the Jews? Why?

9. Analyze the photo. What do you think is happening in the photo?

10. Reflecting on the terrible holocaust, do you think that if you existed back in that time period, you would have had the guts to stand up for what’s wrong? What is our big learning from this mistake we have made and have endured for a long time?

1 comment:

  1. 1. I think there are TWO crows because it shows the darkness inside of Germany; it shows the evilness that was caused. I think it means that the Jews are not wanted in a place like Germany. In the picture it shows the Jewish people with facial expressions, they look very idiotic, they look like they don’t know what it says, and lastly it shows that the Jews are stupid to the Germans. I feel as if the Germans have no respect for the Jew’s they think they are dirty and they don’t like each other.

    2. Before the massacre I felt wanted, needed and respected but when it started I felt different, I felt lonely, silly, and idiotic. They had so much, but when it all started everything changed and they had to keep moving around, they were not wanted anywhere near where the Germans had conquered so they were just thrown in a camp where the people were murdered.

    3. One reason is because Germany was possibly a rich country at the time. Another reason was so that the Jewish could get rich. And lastly was possibly because the Jewish could be happy with their lives and they also fought with the Germans in WWI

    4. I would be planning on attacks, I would be thinking about killing the Jewish I would be thinking about killing all non –followers, and world domination.

    5. I feel as if Hitler may one day rule the world and I think that he will also exterminate all the “filth” in the world, he may also get rid of all that don’t like him or don’t want him in the world.

    6. I think that the soldiers are taking the people in the suits to the camps or, the people in the suits are generals, I think the one in the white suit is the most important, the most rich, or the one who is different.

    7. I think that the Jews felt isolated, bullied and also very upset. I think that they felt as if only a miracle would save them, and that the Nazi’s were the worst type of people in the world. I don’t think anyone tried to help because they didn’t want another world war, because the first one was terrible.

    8. I think I would have supported the Jews because the Russians saved the Jews at the time, and they also let the Jews in that concentration camp free, they also gave them food and got them back to safety.

    9. I think that the people in the photo are marching to their death from one place to another; the Nazi’s are tiring the people out so they won’t struggle trying to live.

    10. I think that I would have stood up for what was right, or I would have hid underground when there was an air raid, I think that we have all learned that the Holocaust is a terrible thing, and that it hopefully wont happen again. But sometimes it does, but not as worse as the holocaust itself.
