Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One Step -Lao Tzu-

I chose this quote because even though a journey might be challenging and almost impossible to achieve, you must at least try and do your best. You should never give up and keeping on going and there will be greater chance you will achieve your goal. Having a go at something is still better than giving up and doing nothing about it.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Curiosity in Orphan Boy and Pandora

The African myth, Orphan Boy, and the Greek myth, Pandora, warn us that curiosity can often lead to unpleasant change. In the Greek myth, Pandora, Pandora couldn't bare with her curiosity and opens the box that Zeus gave her. Therefore, all of the evil things came out and spread across the world. In the African myth, Orphan Boy, the old man couldn't bare his curiosity and follows the Orphan Boy. When trust between the Orphan Boy and the old man was gone, everything that used to be wonderful died. Because of the old man's curiosity, even water dried away and the world was left with nothing. Curiosity made a negative change in both myths. This is fascinating because many things were discovered and created through curiosity. Curiosity can lead to a positive change in the world.

Friday, September 11, 2009

My Name

Unknown like a single leaf on a green meadow. Outstanding. Difficult for some to sound. Bright as my personality. Graceful as a crane. Kindness flowing everywhere. Full of wonder as cranes flying and dancing together. Like an unknown forest in the middle of nowhere. A song of pleasure. A fantasy.

When my mom was pregnant, she wished to have a good and graceful girl. So my parents named me as ‘Sun Hae.’ Like most of the Korean names my name has a specific meaning when written in Chinese letters; ‘Sun’ means goodness and ‘Hae’ means grace.

Since I was a baby, my ear and heart was well acquainted with my name. Mom and dad used to call my name with heart-felt love and other family members also called me with a lovely voice.

Sometimes people question about the meaning of my name; they may think it’s weird or beautiful and they may also make an unidentifiable face. Although these kinds of concerns on my name are none that matters to me, I’m always ready to explain the meaning of it.

I love my name which was given by my parent. And I think I should have a responsibility to keep my name in bright shape. I used to pray to my God for the sake of my name. ‘Sun Hae’ should be a devoted Christian and a compassionate girl at school and future lives to come.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Common Themes of Creation Myths

From the beginning of the human history, the curiousity of the existence of earth was driving people in chaos. Even now, people are still wondering how earth was created. That's how myths were made. 'The space of the universe was in the shape of a hen's egg. Within the egg was a great mass called "no thing." '-Chinese creation myth (Phan-Ku). This quote shows that in most Chinese creation myths, the universe had 'no thing' in the beginning, which is one of the common elements in many other cultures. Themes of 'from chaos or nothingness/void,' 'from earth-diving' and 'supreme creator who dies' are at the center of many creation myths, which is unusual because those countries with similar themes might not even have known each other. 'From chaos or nothingness/void' is a common theme both in Chinese and Japanese myths. Considering that China and Japan might not have known each other, it is interesting that they have a common theme. Other theme, 'from earth-diving' was shared between Native American Indian and Japanese creation myths. While thinking of the far distance of these two places, it also seems very strange to hold a same theme. The final theme, 'the supreme creator who dies-body gets incorporated into earth,' which was co-existed in the Chinese 'Phan-Ku' and the Autrailian Aborigine Creation myth is another amazing mystery despite of their rare communication each other. As shown above, from the ancient times, people liked to make a variety of different myths. However I, as a Christian, have a firm belief that our almighty God has created the universe and all things in the world as stipulated in the Genesis of the Bible.