Monday, January 24, 2011

My Learning Profile

In Humanities class, we learned about our learning profiles and how we learn best. As profile A learner and a Logic Dominant person, I learn best when focusing on the details of subjects. I need the detailed study and examination of the subject in order to understand better and I express feelings and ideas in words. Processing by writing also helps me to learn, and language is very important to me. It helps me learn structured learning the best and is helpful and useful to have the orderly sequencing of information beforehand. These ways will help me learn best to organize my thoughts and ideas.

I need to challenge myself to see the bigger pictures of things and to connect to information emotionally or kinesthetically. I always think before acting and am able to move forward and pick-up details even when under stress. Adding on, I need to see the orderly sequencing of information of what we’re going to do in class, so that I can prepare beforehand. Challenging myself to see bigger pictures and interpret things in different ways will allow me to enter part of my gestalt hemisphere and learn in different ways.

The strategies that would help me in my learning are to understand I formation from a whole perspective, emotions and movement. This process will help me see different a lot of possibilities and ways to figure things out in different situations. Positive and enjoyable movement exercises/experiences will help me to develop the necessary skills in order to interact emotionally and use my imagination and creativity fully. This will help me to develop my learning skills.

I would like the teachers to know that I learn best by focusing on the details, instructions and prefers the orderly sequence of what we are going to do in class given beforehand. Therefore, it would be appreciated if they handed out assignments with detailed instructions so that it will help me to know exactly what to do and also to have a list of the things we will do in class on the board so that I could prepare all my things.

Learning about my learning profile was very helpful and important because it informed me about the different strategies I can use to benefit my learning progress.
Here is a picture of my learning profile on my electronic portfolio page.